Thursday, February 12, 2009


Her spirit
alone, she weeps
They offered her
only a choice
but where was her hope?
Their words were
spoken in whispers
Her innocence
no going back
By chance or by fate
this destiny
that ebbs and flows
through her life
connecting her
with those that are gone
and those that live on
weaving and interlocking
their paths
so closely
they soon
become one

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Inspire me
Give me wings to fly
Yet keep me grounded
Believe in me
That I can accomplish anything
Yet humble me
Encourage me
To reach, to achieve
Yet allow me to fail
Give me the room to persue and dream
and grow
and most of all
give me the freedom
to be

The prose of my life
is by chance
yet true

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


They said he wasn't perfect.
They lied.
They told me all he couldn't do
but never all he would.
They looked at him
with pity
and sorrow.
He smiled back.
They saw him only as what he wasn't
Never taking time to see what he was.

I dream in color
where race is spelled embrace
where peace is not a wish or hope
but reality
when love your neighbor
means without prejudice or judgment
when a tender smile
is worth a thousand words
and the future of tomorrow
is not lost
on the generation
of today

Monday, February 9, 2009

The moon hung low in the sky
Like a balloon sailing into the unknown
Full, round, as though it might burst
I danced beneath, swaying to the instinctive rhythm within me
My shadows casting eerie glows
Darting, then peering out to take another glance
And suddenly she appeared
Silent, still
The hush of the night embraced me
Lending an ear to listen
A shoulder to cry on
The moon dipped low behind the clouds
Then vanished
Taking her into the mystery of night's end
As the rising sun unleashed the journey of tomorrow

Memories Of You

In the endless jar of wonder

and magic

I hold memories

your laugh

your smile

like fireflies held captive

burning bright one minute

then gone the next